So, I have this kind of character flaw (endearing trait?) that involves undertaking helpful and exhaustive research to assist me in my bold endeavors…but not until after I have already jumped right in and made a mess that needs fixing.
And so it goes for my maiden attempt at gingerbread house making.
First, in my (sort of) defense, I must say that I do not hail from a gingerbread house tradition. Indeed, there were really no baking traditions of any kind in my upbringing. So, I never actually saw anyone make a gingerbread house before. And so, in my head, it seemed pretty...
If you haven’t noticed, the Girl Scouts have stepped up their game. Whereas when I was a kid, you needed to find a young girl with a green sash (usually at your front door) to get your annual fix of the signature cookies, and our only advertising help was word of mouth and a folded piece of printed cardboard, now you can hardly drive across town without seeing the full-size billboards. And of course Girl Scout Cookies now have their own website, facebook page, and yes, an app.
The thing is, however you get them, wherever you get them, however great may be the things you support for...
Jamie Oliver is one of my heroes, so forgive me if I blatantly rip off his movement’s tagline. I so completely support his mission of improving the quality of food in schools, in stepping up everyone’s awareness of both real food nutrition and its impact on health, and imparting food prep skills to anyone who eats. There are detractors and critics, as there always will be, and to be sure, the delivery model of reality TV at times raises more questions than it answers, but for the size of audience alone and for taking on this important mission, I say, Go Jamie! ...
When we make the shift to gluten-free, we discover there is a lot we can do that is surprising, and wonderful, and delicious. Maybe we had an assumption that our food, or at least our baked goods, would have to be kind of gross from here on out, and that just is not true. And this is very good.
But…well, living GF, we also learn to live with a fairly liberal use of air-quotes. Certain things, particularly older, more traditional bread recipes, can be mimicked, but without gluten, they aren’t quite the same. This doesn...
There are other gluten-free products, to be sure—less expensive, more widely available, perhaps, ready-to-eat. What’s so special about what Cooqi offers?
Cooqi takes your health and nutrition as seriously as your taste buds, that’s what! The vast majority of GF products on the market currently are made from ingredients that offer little in the way of nutritional value. A good many list the first two ingredients as white rice flour and tapioca starch (go ahead, pick up a package and check!). And maybe the third ingredient is cornstarch. Meaning that these “foods...