My daughter got her braces put on this past week, and she is miserable with discomfort.  Having had braces myself at her age, I wish I could say that I remembered it well and had a host of soft comfort foods at the ready for her as she adjusted to having pokey metal take up residence inside her mouth.  But honestly, I must have blocked out this memory, and I fell down on the mom job.  As she was sorting through ideas of what would taste or feel good, Ellie hit upon a memory that fueled her request:  remember when I used to make Ellie bread, squishy and soft and so...
So, I have this kind of character flaw (endearing trait?) that involves undertaking helpful and exhaustive research to assist me in my bold endeavors…but not until after I have already jumped right in and made a mess that needs fixing.  And so it goes for my maiden attempt at gingerbread house making. First, in my (sort of) defense, I must say that I do not hail from a gingerbread house tradition. Indeed, there were really no baking traditions of any kind in my upbringing. So, I never actually saw anyone make a gingerbread house before. And so, in my head, it seemed pretty...
I’ve been doing a bit of holiday baking, putting together some traditional holiday cookie recipes for your GF (or not!) cookie swap.  If you’ve been with me for any amount of time, you know that my standards are that what we eat must be exceptionally delicious—no second-tier status for us gluten-free folk!  At this time of year, I tend to relax my hardcore nutrition agenda just a bit, as of course feeding your spirit is nutritious too.  However, just a gentle reminder that when you do bake, it’s always a good idea to opt for the best quality possible, be it great butter...
“Challah” When we make the shift to gluten-free, we discover there is a lot we can do that is surprising, and wonderful, and delicious.  Maybe we had an assumption that our food, or at least our baked goods, would have to be kind of gross from here on out, and that just is not true.  And this is very good.   But…well, living GF, we also learn to live with a fairly liberal use of air-quotes. Certain things, particularly older, more traditional bread recipes, can be mimicked, but without gluten, they aren’t quite the same.  This doesn...
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