Cooqi Gluten-Free (just say “cookie”) is from the words cooking and Qi (the Chinese word for vital life energy). Our mission is to create better health by providing you delicious gluten-free whole grain baking mixes and organic flour blends. At Cooqi, we believe everything we eat should be delicious (to feed our spirit) and nutritious (to feed our bodies).
Our products were developed by talented bakers with a passion to make the ultimate gluten-free whole grain mixes. After years of effort, including a “pinch more of this” and “a tad less of that," the blends were perfected. Our mixes taste so good that you will forget you’re eating gluten-free.
So go ahead and celebrate freedom from gluten restrictions and enjoy fantastic pancakes, heavenly cakes, delicious pies, tasty pizza crusts, delightful breads, delectable muffins, fabulous cookies, and rich brownies.
Look for the Cooqi brand at your favorite grocery store or coop. If you don’t see it, ask for it by name. Or feel free to order your flour and baking mixes on line. We ship anywhere in the US and Canada.